How to Decrease Holiday Stress and Burnout
When you think about “the holidays” (whatever holidays you celebrate) what are some of the first things to come to mind? Those two words...

The Power of Assertiveness
Do you know how to stand firm when the need arises? Do you know how to exercise your rights? Do you consider yourself to be assertive? ...

Power of (Unstructured) Play
What are your memories of playing as a child? Do you remember how fun it was to play hide and seek, tag, or good guys vs bad guys? How...

The Power of Reflective Listening
One of the chief complaints I hear in my office from clients is that the important people in their lives do not listen to them. Here are...

What Exactly IS Play Therapy?
Since most adults communicate mainly by talking, it makes sense that when an adult is struggling with something, they often participate...

In Be"TWEEN" Time
When kids hit the tween years, summer break becomes something all together different. Don't expect to fill your summer the way you did...

MVP: Most Valuable Person
There has been a lot of attention given recently to the idea that trophies, participation ribbons, and other such tokens ought to be...